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A research installation for hydrogen separation will be built at the Przyjaźń Coking Plant

On 12 October 2023, an agreement was signed at the Przyjaźń Coking Plant in Dąbrowa Górnicza between JSW KOKS SA and the Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology to build and commission a research installation for separating hydrogen from coke oven gas.

photos: Jerzy Pikuła

The installation will aim to produce hydrogen of a quality that meets the requirements of ISO 14687:2019, which specifies the type and grade for gaseous hydrogen fuel used in PEM (proton exchange membrane polymer fuel cell) vehicles. This project is unique in the European coking industry. At the current stage, the project will consist in the modernization and adaptation of the existing pressure swing adsorption (PSA) installation for gas separation, including hydrogen production, owned by the Central Mining Institute (GIG) and its adaptation to the conditions and specifics of the Przyjaźń Coking Plant (hydrogen production on a scale of 0.5 kg H2/h).

- These efforts will result in the development and acquisition of a technology for purification of high-purity separated hydrogen, which in the future will support product diversification, thereby expanding the JSW Group's revenue structure through the sale of hydrogen - said Iwona Gajdzik-Szot, president of JSW KOKS SA.

The project will be implemented by the consortium of the Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology from Zabrze - as the Leader, and the Łukasiewicz Research Network - the Institute of New Chemical Syntheses from Puławy - as a Partner.

- Coke oven gas contains more than 50 percent hydrogen, the green fuel of the future. That's why we want to separate it and then achieve scalability, which will allow us to increase and diversify our product range and, consequently, the JSW Group's revenues. I wish the signatories of the agreement the best of luck, and I am convinced that this project will contribute to the development of the entire JSW Group - said Wojciech Kałuża, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Development.

The value of the agreement is PLN 9,504,000.00 plus possibly PLN 1,425,600.00 as a success fee, i.e. additional remuneration that the Contractor may receive if it achieves the bonus parameters (i.e. the expected quality of hydrogen, in accordance with ISO 14687:2019).

Thus, the total maximum value of the execution of the order may amount to PLN 10,929,600.00.

The implementation period is to be up to 24 months from the date of signing the agreement, including a maximum of 6 months for conducting research. The agreement was signed in the presence of, among others, representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Management of the Central Mining Institute.

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