Diversity Policy

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In 2020, in the area of diversity management, JSW trained employees who will take active part in implementation of diversity management in JSW on the proper understanding of the term “diversity”. After the end of the reporting period, on 2 February 2021, JSW adopted the document entitled  Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. diversity management policy The aim of the policy is to communicate the commitment of the JSW Management Board and the management team to ensuring equal treatment, promotion of equal opportunities and guaranteeing diversity, to create a diversified work environment for employees, which will ensure efficient and innovative operation of JSW. The key areas of the policy implementation include: openness to diversity, recruitment, selection and development of employees, development of the future staff, and principles of ethics, prevention of mobbing and discrimination and problem and conflict resolution. In its activities JSW applies clear employment rules and strives to ensure diversity of genders, direction of education, age and professional experience for all its employees, with special focus on JSW’s governing bodies and its key managers.

In respect to corporate authorities of JSW and Group companies and its key managers, the selection process includes elements such as: education, professional experience and competence and it does not disqualify the candidates in any way by any of the diversity policy elements specified in this principle.

2020 2019
Women Men Total Women Men Total
MANAGEMENT BOARDS 8 39 47 10 39 49
age 30-50 3 21 24 6 21 27
age over 50 5 18 23 4 18 22
of which foreigners - - - - - -
SUPERVISORY BOARDS 24 61 85 23 66 89
age under 30 - - - - 1 1
age 30-50 12 30 42 12 31 43
age over 50 12 31 43 11 34 45
of which foreigners - - - - - -

During the recruitment process, through the entire employment period, as well as at the end of the employee careers, the Group observes the principles of equal treatment and equal opportunity for employees, regardless of their skin color, race, gender, religion, origin or social situation. It is the professional qualifications of employees that are seen as important in the Group's organizational culture. The Group has in place the Code of Ethics, which reflects the ethical values in which the JSW Group believes and wishes to respect. One of the main values is to observe the prohibition of any discrimination, while guaranteeing freedom of expression, conscience and religion and freedom of belief and speech. According to the Code of Ethics, people are the foundation of running a modern and stable company. We respect and comply with international standards concerning human rights and international work standards, treating them as fundamental and universal. The JSW Group is a place free of any practices tarnishing the dignity of other human beings. Any forms of discrimination, intimidation, mobbing or sexual harassment of co-workers are not acceptable and will be unambiguously branded and combated.