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About the mine

The Pniówek Mine was constructed in the years 1963-1974.

In 1993, it became a part of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa. In 2006, the mine celebrated the mining of the 100 millionth ton of coal. Since 2008, work has been underway to expand the mine by the "Pawłowice 1" deposit.

The mining area of the "Pniówek" deposit is 28.6 km2, with recoverable coal reserves of 101.9 million tons. The mining area of the "Pawłowice 1" deposit is 15.8 km2, the recoverable reserves are 54.0 million tons. Type of coal produced: 35.1

KWK Pniówek

43-251 Pawłowice, ul. Krucza 18
tel.: +48 32 756 2113
fax: +48 32 472 1978
e-mail: [email protected]