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Pniówek implements new solutions

Enhanced efficiency coupled with preserving high standards of coking coal quality. A presentation was held in the Coal Preparation Plant in the Pniówek Mine to demonstrate the newly-installed disc filters that are an important part of the ambitious project entailing the modernization of water and sludge recirculation. Representatives of the coal preparation plants in Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and Polska Grupa Górnicza participated in this event.

photo: Dawid Lach

The Coal Preparation Plant is an important part of every mine. This is where this raw material is subjected to the pertinent enrichment processes to achieve the best possible quality. One of the enrichment methods employs filtration in water and sludge recirculation to recover grains of pure coal.

The Pniówek mine has found a new solution to make the process more efficient. It involves the use of a new type of filters. They have been designed by Biuro Projektowo-Inwestycyjne PROINVEST Sp. z o.o. from Rybnik based on the experience as well as the comments of the employees of the Coal Preparation Plant at the Pniówek mine.

- Cooperation with employees was crucial for project success. The comments made by supervision staff employees and machine operators were taken into account in designing the new filters - says Grzegorz Marzec, Deputy Technical Director of Wrębowa Sp. z o.o., which built the filters: - The new lighter segments with a higher pore size, dual stage vacuum control, regulated exhaust and smooth regulation of the speed of the main drive make it possible to control the filter’s efficiency effectively and the coal moisture content - explains Grzegorz Marzec.

Thus far, the recirculation system was frequently overloaded on account of the growing number of fine particles in water and sludge recirculation and the progressive degradation of the machine fleet. That is why the decision to modernize was made. The execution of this investment is merely the first stage of an extensive plan called “Modernization of water and sludge recirculation in the Coal Preparation Plant of the Pniówek Mine.”

We employed new FTC-200 filters to replace the previous FTPO-180 filters, along with modern vacuum pumps. This is a step forward in the technology used to-date. The completed modernization will make it possible to enhance considerably the efficiency of flotation concentrate dewatering while simultaneously preserving the high standards of coking coal quality, which is what we are most interested in - explains Michał Czerwiński, Chief Engineer of Coal Preparation in the Pniówek Mine.

Using the new filter, it is possible to obtain up to 100 tons of flotation concentrate dewatered to the level of 20% per hour. The filters used to-date had an efficiency of up to 50 tons per hour and a moisture content of 22%.

The new equipment also offers improved capabilities for on-going maintenance and cleaning and accessibility to sub-assemblies, which is of great significance in maintaining the mine’s continuous operation.

There are 8 disc filters, including the two new FTC-200 filters installed in the Coal Preparation Plant in the Pniówek Mine. The modernization program anticipates the replacement of the other legacy filters with the new solution at subsequent stages.


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