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Statement of the Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA

With reference to the media reports regarding falsification of entries with the results of methane measurements by the employees of KWK Pniówek, the JSW Management Board declares that the Company has not received any formal information from the prosecutor's office regarding the charges pressed against the Company's employees.

According to information provided to the media by the Gliwice District Prosecutor's Office, the charges pressed do not directly relate to the disaster of 20 April 2022.

At the same time, the JSW Management Board reports that strict consequences will be imposed on employees who have violated the law and internal procedures and regulations.

In addition, we would like to remind you that according to Article 119 sec. 1 of the Geological and Mining Law, mine employees are obliged to report any hazards or accidents at the mine. "Whoever notices a threat to people, the mine or its operation, damage or malfunction of the equipment in the mine, is obliged to immediately warn the persons at risk, take measures available to remove the danger and notify the nearest member of the management or operation supervision staff of the danger."

There are 150 methane measurement workers at the Pniówek mine. On weekdays 1,500 methane meters are handed out. Those who collect them are required to measure the methane in the area where they work. In addition, there are nearly 270 stationary methane meters in continuous operation at the mine, connected to the gas measurement system and the gas measurement dispatcher. 

The JSW Management Board stresses that the causes and circumstances of the Pniówek mine disaster are being investigated by the District Prosecutor's Office in Gliwice and the State Mining Authority.

The Company is keenly interested in establishing the facts, so it is taking a number of factual and legal actions to this effect. In particular, it is actively involved in the work of the commission appointed by the President of the State Mining Authority, as well as in the activities of the District Prosecutor's Office in Gliwice. Due to the interests of the investigation and the rules governing disclosure of information from the proceedings, the Company is not authorized to comment on the case.

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