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JSW among leaders in climate action

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has reported on its climate activities for the first time to the reputable CDP rating, receiving a high score. The score confirms the significant commitment of the company to environmental and climate action.

photo: Dawid Lach

CDP, an international rating organization based in the UK (formerly known as the “Carbon Disclosure Project”) classified Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa for the first time and placed it among leading global companies in the category of climate activities. The study registered 103 Polish companies, out of which only 16 received the highest scores from A to C. JSW was awarded a high score of C, outranking all other companies from the mining sector. This reflects the fact that JSW not only discloses climate-related information, in particular its carbon footprint, manages climate change in the organization, but also undertakes real action to prevent climate change.

- The commencement of our reporting on climate change to CDP demonstrates integration of JSW S.A. into the global climate policy and is another step towards the implementation of the goals adopted in the JSW Group Environmental and Business Strategy until 2030 - said Tomasz Cudny, President of the JSW S.A. Management Board, adding: - It is our ambition to provide our business partners with products with the lowest possible carbon footprint, because financial performance is not the only measure of a company’s importance, but also its compliance with the principles arising from respect for the natural environment.

In recent years, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has made great strides in the area of sustainable development. The main goal is to reduce the GHG emissions, i.e. the organization’s carbon footprint (in Scopes 1 and 2), by 30% by 2030 versus 2018, which is in line with the <2⁰C pathway of the Paris Agreement. The Company also wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. These actions, among others, have been noticed internationally.

CDP is an organization running a global system of collecting and disclosing data on the environmental impact of investors, companies, cities and regions. It is recognized as one of the most reliable ranking institutions focusing on this topic. Its activity is critically important for the success of a global business in the 21st century. There is no other organization that collects corporate data of this kind on climate change and discloses them on the market. The disclosure and evaluation of environmental data raises the company’s credibility, may have a positive effect on its stock price and offer access to new funding sources and interest from potential investors around CDP.

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