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First self-rescuers have arrived in Szczygłowice

The first batch of state-of-the-art Drager BG ProAir self-rescuers purchased by the company last November has arrived at Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa.

The first 65 apparatuses went to the Mine Rescue Station at the Szczygłowice Section. The self-rescuers were delivered along with full-face masks, marking the beginning of the largest purchase of rescue equipment in the history of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa.

Thanks to advanced technology, the new positive-pressure breathing apparatuses provide mine rescue workers with an even higher level of protection. The positive-pressure system in these devices prevents poisonous gases from entering the apparatus, pushing air outward in the event of an emergency.

In addition to improving safety, the purchased apparatuses also aim to standardize the equipment of rescue workers in JSW's mines. Now all mine rescue workers within the company's structures will use identical equipment, which will significantly improve rescue operations.

The purchase of 435 Drager BG ProAir apparatuses is the largest deal of its kind in Europe. JSW rescue workers will be the first in European mining to use such high-tech equipment. 

The delivery of the remaining batches of equipment to other JSW mines will take place by the end of January 2025.

photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach
photos: Dawid Lach

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