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Difficult conditions for the rescue operation

Rescue workers have still not found the missing miners. The rescue operation at the Pniówek mine is being conducted in very difficult heat conditions.

photo: Dawid Lach

Rescue workers cut through to the N-12 top gallery and began a preliminary penetration of the mining roadway. No missing persons were found in the penetrated section of the mining roadway. In the section of the N-12 roadway from the cut-through toward the N-6 longwall, penetration is not possible due to lack of ventilation and high temperature and humidity (about 40 degrees C and close to 100 percent humidity). In the next stage of the operation, rescue workers will be bringing a ventilation pipeline into the N-12 roadway to ventilate and cool the section of the mining roadway. Once suitable climate conditions are obtained, the search will resume. So far, more than 50 rescue teams have taken part in the operation.

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