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Activities of the JSW Group among the best corporate responsibility practices

The Responsible Business Forum in Poland (FOB) announced its report entitled “Responsible Business in Poland 2022. Best practices.” The organization’s experts sum up and analyze the events of key importance for corporate responsibility in 2022 and highlight the most interesting and exemplary business practices of the past year. Once again they noted the activities undertaken by the JSW Group. In this year’s edition of the report, they recognized as many as 10 best practices from the JSW Group.


The following best practices from the JSW Group were highlighted:

  • Dębieńska salt: the retrieval of salt by the plant enables the Group to avoid the discharge of waters pumped out of the mining areas and characterized by a high content of salt to the Bierawka River and at the same time obtain high quality evaporated salt. The Group’s salt evaporation process, using technologies developed in the United States and Sweden, is a unique solution on a European scale. Every year, Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Wodnej i Rekultywacji processes 1.6 million cubic meters of brine and produces approx. 70 thousand tons of high-quality food-grade salt.
  • 360° JSW Minesapp: showing the mining work in a novel way. Thanks to the app available on JSW's website - without leaving home - you can view the most important facilities and locations at JSW creating a realistic picture of the mine. The project is aimed at mining professionals, students of higher technical schools with a mining profile, and students of vocational and technical schools.
  • JSW apiary as a local education center for children: built next to an active mine shaft is an example of revitalization, reclamation and rational development of mining areas. To date, nearly a thousand children have already participated in the workshops held there.
  • scholarships for talented young people: JSW has implemented a scholarship program to encourage young people not only to study in classes with a mining profile, but also to take up employment in JSW SA’s mines in the future. Currently, JSW has 900 active scholarship agreements in 8 schools in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Pawłowice, Ornontowice, Czerwionka-Leszczyny, Knurów and Rybnik.
  • radio control in mine railway: JSW has introduced radio control at material stations in the Borynia Section of the Borynia-Zofiówka Mine. This has streamlined the loading and unloading process, while improving the safety at the operator's workplace. This is the first such solution in Poland.
  • JSW Competency Study: JSW has launched a series of workshops for supervision and senior supervision staff.  The trainers at the workshop are employees from across the JSW Group. The Competency Study, at the request of employees, will become a permanent element of the training process.
  • agreement for cybersecurity: JSW SA, Silesian University of Technology and KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology signed an agreement on cooperation in the area of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is one of the most important contemporary challenges of the mining industry, which has gained particular importance in the face of the war in Ukraine. Digital transformation of the industry allows us to effectively optimize, manage, but also monitor the safety of coking coal mining and processing processes.
  • educational project JSW Knowledge Mine - workshops for children implemented at the University of Silesia: in 2022 JSW has partnered with the University of Silesia in having the university's scientists conduct science workshops for students, which are prizes in numerous JSW Knowledge Mine competitions. Educational materials on such topics as the use of hydrogen, responsible consumption, the importance of coking coal for the economy, and electromobility, have been made available at www.nowakopalniawiedzy.pl site and JSW Knowledge Mine FB page. 
  • innovative projects for the railways: the JSW Group-owned Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa, together with School Complex No. 6 in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, is implementing a project aimed at developing an application for analyzing diagnostic data of rail traffic control systems and a tool for measuring system currents of the RSR180 wheel sensor.   
  • roof supports created by employees: Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe, member of the JSW Group, delivered a set of 143 sections of powered supports to the Knurów Section of the Knurów-Szczygłowice mine. These are the first sections entirely designed and built by JZR employees. Thanks to the cooperation of the design team and a group of experienced miners of the Knurów Section, a modern structure was developed ensuring work safety and comfort.


The report “Responsible Business in Poland. Best practices”, published annually by the Responsible Business Forum, is the largest overview of CSR and sustainability initiatives in Poland. The 21st edition presented 1,705 projects undertaken by 272 companies.

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