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Challenges of energy transition in industry

The 33rd School of Underground Mining was held in Kraków, bringing together numerous representatives of the mining industry, scientists and experts, including employees of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and the JSW Group. The wrap-up of the conference was held, for the fifteenth time, at the Juliusz Słowacki Theater.

photos: Dawid Lach

The School of Underground Mining is one of the largest mining conferences in Poland.

- This year we had a record number of participants, which is extraordinary. The speakers were people who want to show where we are now and what we mean in the Polish economy. We are pleased by this high turnout, to which we owe the development of mining - said Jerzy Kicki, Chairman of the SEP 2024 Organizational Committee, welcoming SEP participants to the Juliusz Słowacki Theater. - There are many challenges ahead. We are switching to other sources of energy. During the presentations we heard what tasks are facing RES. We also heard about nuclear energy, and this forces our next steps and continuous increase of the scope of the School of Underground Mining, which for many years was a big event for coal mining, and now is a big event for the entire mineral mining industry - added Jerzy Kicki.

During this year's conference, a total of 221 papers were presented in 22 scientific sessions, including those on the following topics: rockburst hazards, new techniques and technologies in underground mining, artificial intelligence, deposit exploration, mining aerology, occupational safety, decarbonization and energy storage.

Papers were presented by a large group of employees of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and the JSW Group. One of the most important presentations on reducing methane emissions was given by Artur Badylak, Director of the Methane Drainage and Management Department at JSW S.A. He argued that energy from methane is the main goal of JSW's Environmental Strategy.

- We place great emphasis on making the efficiency of methane drainage in mines as high as possible. We modernize and expand methane drainage stations. As part of the expansion of the underground network of methane drainage pipelines, we are building smart metering and ventilation points, as well as sealing isolation stoppings - Artur Badylak explained, and added: - All our activities are aimed at reducing our carbon footprint by 30 percent by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality in 2050.

During the School of Underground Mining, as usual, industry reports were presented on the state of coal mining, among other topics. At the end, prizes were awarded in competitions: 18th Mining Knowledge Tournament and Safe Mine, where the winner was the Marcel Section of the ROW mine (PGG), and CyberPoligon SEP2024, in which JSW IT SYSTEMS triumphed.

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