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Trophy for JSW

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa took 2nd place in the IPMA PMO Award 2023 competition for the best PMO Office. During the 26th IPMA Poland conference, the symbolic statuette, which is a recognition for continuous development and achievement of project excellence, was collected by Wojciech Kałuża, Vice-President of the Management Board for Development.

photo: IPMA Polska

The project consisted of the transformation of a highly hierarchical organization over a period of six years, moving from a lack of systemic project management and project managers to the full use of project management methodology. This transformation went beyond the framework of H. Kerzner's project management maturity model, which is a major achievement.

The project submitted for the competition demonstrated a change in the approach to strategic management at JSW SA.  The establishment of the Company's Project Management Team in 2017 proved to be a model for other organizations. During this time, the team and the entire office went through many stages of transformation reaching a level that guarantees the efficiency of the processes carried out. 

Jastrzębska spółka Węglowa SA has been an institutional member of the IPMA Poland association since 2017. IPMA Poland is a member of the international federation of non-profit organizations - the International Project Management Association®, which unites and certifies project managers around the world.

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