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JSW recognized for water and climate protection efforts

In the new 2022 report of the world-renowned Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa received a high B- climate change rating. This is a huge accomplishment considering that a year ago the Company was rated at a lower C level.

photo: Dawid Lach

The CDP rating scale ranges from A - the highest to D - the lowest. The promotion from C to B- shows the Company's outstanding commitment to reducing its environmental impact, which has been recognized by environmental reporting institutions. In the area of climate change, JSW was rated for the second time, while in the water conservation area it was rated for the first time, also earning a high B- rating. Such a result has been achieved by only a few companies in Poland.

The high ratings show that JSW not only discloses information related to climate and water protection, in particular elements of water footprint, carbon footprint, manages water and climate change in the organization, but also takes measurable actions as a result of the Environmental Strategy implemented in February 2022. Showing this type of data ensures full transparency of water management and climate change activities, which are subject to review and evaluation, thus preventing the suspicion of so-called greenwashing.

It is worth mentioning that environmental data reporting is done through a questionnaire. Companies can disclose data in three categories: climate impact, forests and water security. Each year the list is updated.

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