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JSW receives an award

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. was awarded in The Best Annual Report contest. The Company received a special award for the best compensation report and a distinction for the consistently high level of financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS/IAS. JSW also took the second place in the integrated report category.

The announcement of the results of The Best Annual Report contest, organized annually by the Institute of Accountancy and Taxes, took place on 12 October 2023 during a gala held at the headquarters of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The award was accepted on behalf of the Company by Robert Ostrowski, Vice-President of the Management Board for Financial Matters. 

The idea of the contest is to promote recognized standards of preparation of annual reports in accordance with IFRS/IAS that are consistent with the applicable international and national formal requirements, recommendations, good practices and market expectations. This is a contest for the best annual report in terms of value for shareholders and investors. The award is given to companies from the regulated market that prepare consolidated annual reports in accordance with IFRS/IAS, as well as to companies from the alternative market that report in accordance with IFRS/IAS or the Accounting Act. The jury of the contest includes representatives of audit firms, brokerage houses and other capital market institutions. The reports are also evaluated by the representatives of the media and universities. The contest is a non-commercial project serving the environment and creating good practices in financial reporting of public companies, which increases the safety of the capital market in Poland.

JSW has been participating in the contest since its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The first report it submitted was the 2011 report and every award or distinction it has received supports its approach and commitment to preparing the best possible reports.

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