General Meetings - 2014

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Information – number of shares, number of votes

Materials for the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting:

Draft versions of resolutions, justifications, significant attachments

Form – exercising voting rights

Audio recording of the General Shareholders Meeting proceedings on 16.07.2014 (Polish version only)

Model forms

Audio recording of the General Shareholders Meeting proceedings on 22.05.2014 (Polish version only)


Information – number of shares, number of votes

Materials for the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting:

Consolidated annual report for 2013 containing: Consolidated financial statement of JSW S.A. Capital Group for 2013, Management Board Report on the activity of the JSW S.A. Capital Group for 2013 and Auditor's opinion and auditor’s report of the JSW S.A. Capital Group consolidated financial statements audit

Standalone annual report for 2013 containing: Financial statements of JSW S.A. for 2013, Management Board Report on the activity of the JSW S.A. for 2013 and Auditor's opinion and auditor’s report of the JSW's financial statements audit

Draft versions of resolutions, justifications, significant attachments

Form – exercising voting rights

Form of power-of-attorney

Audio recording of the General Shareholders Meeting proceedings on 30.01.2014 r. (Polish version only).


Information – number of shares, number of votes

Materials for the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting:

Draft versions of resolutions, justifications, significant attachments

Form – exercising voting rights

Model forms