Strategic objectives

JSW Group's strategy is based on five pillars:

03_misja_wizja_en Increase in coal output to approx. 18 million tonnes and extraction of coking coal to 85% Diversification Innovativeness

In line with the existing and predicted market conditions, JSW Group has set the following strategic objectives for 2020-2030:

average EBITDA margin in 2020-2030 of at least 25%

development of resource base as regards coking coal through development investments related to accessing new deposits and mine levels

increase in the share of coking coal production and sales, with stable and attractive quality parameters, to over 85% from 2021

Safe JSW - further enhancement of our high safety standards

Revenue diversification:

  • average of 10% of revenue coming from sales of products not related to core business in 2020-2030
  • geographic diversification

Effective JSW:

  • work intensity index of at least 4.5 running metres per thousand tonnes annually,
  • optimisation of cost structure and levels using innovative solutions
  • effective use of coal derivatives and striving for energy self-sufficiency
Achieving the main objectives will be possible by achieving associated targets:

Learning organisation - knowledge management and continuous learning

Reducing environmental impact

Stable employer developing its employees' competences

Flexible Organisation 4.0 - development through innovations.

The strategic objectives are defined on the basis of areas in which JSW Group conducts operating and investing activities. Its 2020-2030 strategy introduces another operating area - people and the environment, which is equally as important as the other areas: finance, development, customers and internal processes. The Company's vision is a reflection of its values, from business values through to environmental aspects.

03_misja_wizja2_en Revenue diversificationEBITDA margin Resource base developmentLearning organisationOrganisation 4.0 Safe JSWStable employer Green JSW Effective JSW F I N A N C E D E V E L O P M E N T C U S T O M E R S I N T E R N A L P R O C E S S E S P E O P L E A N D E N V I R O N M E N T

Objectives that result from strategic operating areas are being directly implemented through operating activities in each segment:

JSW Group's strategic objective Segment/area where the objective will be achieved
  Coal segment Coke segment Processing segment Diversification Support area
Average EBITDA margin in 2020-2030 of at least 25%. X X X X X
Development of resource base as regards coking coal through development investments related to accessing new deposits and mine levels. X        
Increase in the share of coking coal production and sales, with stable and attractive quality parameters, to over 85% from 2021. X   X    
Revenue diversification: Average of 10% of revenue coming from sales of products not related to core business in 2020-2030 - Geographic diversification. X X   X  
Safe JSW - further enhancement of our high safety standards. X X X   X
Effective JSW: Work intensity index of at least 4.5 running metres per thousand tonnes annually, Optimisation of cost structure and levels using innovative solutions, Effective use of coal derivatives and striving for energy self-sufficiency. X X X X X
Learning organisation - knowledge management and continuous learning. X X X X X
Reducing environmental impact. X X X X X
Stable employer developing its employees' competences. X X X X X
Flexible Organisation 4.0 - development through innovations. X X X X X

JSW Group's development plan defines the key assumptions with regard to directions and possibilities for development in the long term. Development processes are envisaged to be based mainly on developing the core business, without ruling out development based on the acquisition of attractive assets and entities as elements in potential diversification and business model evaluation.

JSW Group's investment programme encompasses investment projects for 2020-2030 worth in total approx. PLN 24.5 billion, with the highest priority given to projects focusing on:

The highest priority is given to investment projects that offer the highest rates of return and flagship projects within the core business, which are of key importance to building JSW Group's competitive advantage and leading to the optimisation of operating costs.

JSW plans to incur approx. PLN 20.5 billion in investment expenditures in 2020-2030, which constitutes approx. 84% of the Group's total expenditures. Subsidiary JSW KOKS expects to spend approx. PLN 2.2 billion on investments. Development investments constitute 35% of JSW Group's planned CAPEX.

Chart. CAPEX PLN billion


Development of mining activities

JSW plans a gradual increase in coal output until 2030, from approx. 14.8 Mt in 2019 to approx. 18 Mt in 2030. The strategy sees an eventual increase in production through investments in the expansion of new mining levels and commencement of mining in the Bzie Dębina area.

05_inwestycje_rozwojowe_jsw_en Construction of level 1050 in the Knurów SectionConstruction of level 1050 in the Szczygłowice SectionDeepening of shaft II and adaptation of shaft III to handle the exhaust function in the Szczygłowice SectionEconomic utilization of methaneModernizing the Coal Preparation Plant KWK „Knurów-Szczygłowice Borynia SectionConstruction of level 1120 Zofiówka SectionConstruction of level 1080 KWK „Borynia-Zofiówka Economic utilization of methaneOpening new resources in seam 405/1 and 405/2 and in a new depositModernizing the Coal Preparation Plant KWK „Budryk” KWK „Pniówek” KWK „Jastrzębie - Bzie TowardsWisła TowardsGorzyczki TowardsKatowice Żory Towards Łódź Towards Wrocław A4 A4 A1 Jastrzębie-Zdrój - Deposits

Within the planned mining output structure, coking coal is expected to rise from approx. 71% in 2019 to over 85% from 2021, with a simultaneous decrease in the production of coal for energy-generation purposes from approx. 29% in 2019 to approx. 12% in 2030.

Over 80 thousand running metres of walkways on average is planned at JSW in 2020-2030.

JSW expects productivity per employee to increase from approx. 700 tonnes to approx. 850 tonnes per person by 2030.

At the same time, the Strategy sees average employment at the Group increase from approx. 30 thousand positions now to approx. 31 thousand in 2030.

Selected production indicators of the JSW Capital Group


Modernization and optimization of the coke segment functioning

The coke segment constitutes JSW Group's second-largest operating area.

The investment programme for the coke segment includes projects in the period 2020-2030 worth in total approx. PLN 2.2 billion, which are divided into:

  • investments in the area of coke production,
  • investments in the area of coal derivatives,
  • investments in the area of energy,
  • innovative projects and R&D projects,
  • other investments.

05_inwestycje_rozwojowe_jswkoks_en Construction of a power unitModernization of the Radlin Coking Plant – stage IIICDA and SRCM installation – construction of the second line with an acid absorption column Jadwiga Coking Plant RADLIN Coking Plant Modernization of two coke oven batteries Installation to produce carbon adsorbents based on raw materials available in the JSW Group Przyjaźń Coking Plant DĘBIEŃSKO A4 A4 A1 A1 Towards Bielsko-Biała Towards Gorzyczki Towards Wrocław

Strengthening our position as Europe's top producer of coke will be possible by achieving strategic objectives, focused on the following areas:


  • maximum use of coals produced by JSW Group's mines in the production of coke,
  • maximum and flexible use of coking plants' production capacities,
  • optimisation of technological processes,
  • energy independence,
  • greater synergies between the mining and coking areas,
  • product diversification by extending the processing chain.

The 2020-2030 strategy sees a sustainable level of coke production and sales, at the stable level of approx. 3.5 Mt.

Stable coke production

The business model in the coke production segment assumes adjustment of the production level and mix for each coking plant to maximize the overall margin generated by the Group.

  • The coke production profile assumed in JSW KOKS takes into account the largest share of blast furnace coke with CRI and CSR parameters – which accounts for more than 70% of total volumes now and more than 78% ultimately.
  • The Company’s accepted target model calls for maintaining a nominal production capacity of approximately 3.6 million tons of coke per annum.

05_produkcja_koksu_en 2022 2027 2030

Chart. COKE PRODUCTION MIX in million tons


Aside from producing a wide array of coke, the coking segment is responsible for producing and preparing for sale the by-products of the coke production process, i.e. coal derivatives