Implementation of strategic objectives

In line with the existing and predicted market conditions, JSW Group has set the following strategic objectives for 2022-2030:

2020-2030 strategy 2022-2030 strategy

Average EBITDA margin in 2022-2030 of at least 25%

Results achieved in 2021: 23.4%

Reduction of JSW Group's carbon footprint by 2030 by 30% compared to 2018.

Development of coking coal resource base through development investments related to accessing new deposits and mine levels.

Results achieved in 2021: The entire extractable resources at JSW's mines, in accordance with the Polish resource classification, were 1 233.6 mt as of 31 December 2021.

Reducing impact on the environment - striving for climate neutrality by 2050.

Increase in the share of coking coal production and sales, with stable and attractive quality parameters, to over 85% from 2021.

Results achieved in 2021: 80% share for coking coal.

Average EBITDA margin in 2022-2030 of at least 25%,

Safe JSW - further enhancement of our high safety standards

Results achieved in 2021: LTIFR (per 1 million man-hours) - 7.25.

Development of coking coal resource base through development investments related to accessing new deposits and mine levels.

Revenue diversification:

  • Average of 10% of revenue coming from sales of products not related to core business in 2022-2030.
  • geographic diversification

Results achieved in 2021: 9.2% revenue generated from the sale of products not related to core business.

Share of coking coal in JSW's overall output above 90% from 2026.

Effective JSW:

  • work intensity index of at least 4.5 running metres per thousand tonnes annually,
  • optimisation of cost structure and levels using innovative solutions
  • effective use of carbon-related products and striving for energy self-sufficiency.

Results achieved in 2021:

  • Preparatory work intensity index [running metres/1000 tonnes]: 5.6 running metres/1000 tonnes
  • Mining Cash Cost: 447.12 PLN/t,
  • Cash Conversion Cost: 173.10 PLN/t,

Revenue diversification:

  • Average of 10% of revenue coming from sales of products not related to core business in 2022-2030.
  • revenue diversification (product and geographical)
Product quality - production and sale of coking coal and coke with stable and attractive quality parameters.
Safe JSW - further enhancement of our high safety standards.
Effective JSW - cost structure and level optimisation (MCC, CCC).