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3.1. Operating segments


Selected accounting policies

The Group presents information on operating segments in accordance with IFRS 8 „Operating Segments”. The Group is organized and managed in segments by type of products offered and type of production activity.

After analyses of the aggregation criteria and quantitative thresholds, the following operating segments were established in the Group’s consolidated financial statements:

  • Segment 1 – Coal – includes extraction and sales of black coal;
  • Segment 2 – Coke – includes production and sales of coke and hydrocarbons;
  • Other segments – include activities performed by the Group’s entities other than those covered by Segments 1 or 2, such as, without limitation, repair services, research and development activity, IT services, transportation services, etc.

The Management Board of the Parent Company has identified operating segments based on the financial reporting of the companies comprising the Group. Information originating from the reports is used for strategic decision-making in the Group.

The JSW Management Board is the corporate body that makes the key decisions in the Group. The measure of the financial results generated by the Group’s distinct operating segments analyzed by the Management Board of the Parent Company is the segment’s operating profit/loss determined according to IAS/IFRS. Revenues from transactions with external entities are measured in a manner consistent with the method applied for consolidated financial result.

Revenues from transactions between segments are eliminated in the consolidation process. Sales between segments are conducted on an arm’s length basis. According to the principles applied by the Management Board of the Parent Company to evaluate operating results of the respective segments, revenues and margins are recognized in segmental results at the moment a sale is made outside of the segment. Financial income and costs are not included in the financial result of the various segments.

Segment-specific information for reporting purposes:

Coal Coke Other segments * Consolidation adjustments ** Total
Total segment sales revenues 8,296.6 4,451.5 1,003.3 (3,941.9) 9,809.5
– Revenues on inter-segment sales 3,212.0 729.9 (3,941.9)
– Sales revenues from external customers 5,084.6 4,451.5 273.4 9,809.5
Gross profit on sales of the segment 2,146.1 677.3 143.4 (95.7) 2,871.1
Segment’s operating profit/(loss) 1,753.1 416.4 84.9 (0.3) 2,254.1
Depreciation and amortization (612.1) (100.2) (64.4) 10.7 (766.0)
– Recognition of impairment losses on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,214.0) (1,214.0)
– Reversal of impairment losses for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 719.3 719.3
– Reversal of the impairment loss on property, plant and equipment of the Krupiński Mine transferred from the Suszec Section to other units 15.5 15.5
– Reversal of the provision for potential litigation related to the free coal allowance for old-age and disability pensioners 653.5 653.5
TOTAL SEGMENT ASSETS, INCLUDING: 7,947.2 2,288.7 1,516.3 (843.3) 10,908.9
Increases in non-current assets (other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets) 1,471.9 50.1 241.3 (48.8) 1,714.5

*No operations classified in “Other segments” meet the aggregation criteria and quantitative thresholds defined by IFRS 8 Operating Segments, to be accounted for as a separate operating segment

**The „Consolidation adjustments” column eliminates the effects of intra-segment transactions within the Group

Coal Coke Other segments * Consolidation adjustments ** Total
Total segment sales revenues 7,929.2 3,688.1 839.2 (3,579.3) 8,877.2
– Revenues on inter-segment sales 3,003.3 576.0 (3,579.3)
– Sales revenues from external customers 4,925.9 3,688.1 263.2 8,877.2
Segment’s gross profit/(loss) on sales 2,987.3 120.4 111.3 19.9 3,238.9
Segment’s operating profit/(loss) 3,001.9 (47.9) 57.1 105.4 3,116.5
Depreciation and amortization (680.9) (96.8) (56.2) 9.2 (824.7)
– Recognition of impairment losses on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (759.1) (0.5) (759.6)
– Reversal of the provision for employee benefits for KWK Krupiński employees transferred to SRK 50.1 50.1
– Reversal of provisions in connection with the transfer of KWK Krupiński to SRK 116.2 116.2
– Reversal of the impairment loss on property, plant and equipment of the Krupiński Mine transferred from the Suszec Section to other units 51.2 51.2
– Reversal of the provision for potential litigation related to the free coal allowance for old-age and disability pensioners 1,249,2 1,249.2
TOTAL SEGMENT ASSETS, INCLUDING: 8,598.7 2,008.7 1,115.0 (822.9) 10,899.5
Increases in non-current assets (other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets) 852.3 81.2 123.5 (9.1) 1 047.9

* No operations classified in “Other segments” meet the aggregation criteria and quantitative thresholds defined by IFRS 8 Operating Segments, to be accounted for as a separate operating segment

** The „Consolidation adjustments” column eliminates the effects of intra-segment transactions within the Group

Presented below is reconciliation of the results (operating profit) generated by the segments with profit before tax.

2018 2017
OPERATING PROFIT 2,254.1 3,116.5
Financial income 40.1 132.9
Financial costs (101.8) (125.9)
Share in profits/(losses) of associates 0.1 0.1
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 2,192.5 3,123.6

Segment assets

The amounts of total assets are measured in a manner consistent with the method applied in the consolidated statement of financial position. These assets are allocated by segment’s business and by physical location of the asset component.

Group assets are located in Poland.

The reconciliation of segment assets with the Group’s total assets is presented below:

31.12.2018 31.12.2017
SEGMENT ASSETS 10,908.9 10,899.5
Investments in associates 1.1 1.1
Deferred tax assets 669.5 814.3
Other long-term assets 2 175.2 328.9
Income tax backpayment 0.7 32.5
Derivatives 7.2 13.8
Other current financial assets 0.1

Information relating to geographical areas

The geographic breakdown of revenues on sales is depicted by the buyer’s country of origin:

Note 2018 2017
Sales in Poland, of which:    
Coal 3,712.3 3,672.8
Coke 648.3 608.2
Other segments 271.8 262.3
TOTAL SALES IN POLAND 4,632.4 4,543.3
Sales abroad, including:
EU member states, of which: 4 809.5 4 184.4
Coal 1 372.3 1 253.1
Coke 3 436.0 2 930.5
Other segments 1.2 0.8
Non-EU Europe, of which: 367.6 104.1
Coke 367.2 104.1
Other segments 0.4
Other states, of which: 45.4
Coke 45.3
Other segments 0.1
Total sales abroad, including: 5,177.1 4,333.9
Coal 1,372.3 1,253.1
Coke 3,803.2 3,079.9
Other segments 1.6 0.9
TOTAL SALES REVENUES 4.1 9,809.5 8,877.2

Revenues on sales – geographic breakdown by the country of origin of the counterparty making the purchase:

2018 2017
Poland 4,634.0 4,544.1
Germany 1,996.1 1,664.4
Austria 1,098.3 1,166.6
Czech Republic 940.1 930.1
Slovakia 283.4 303.1
Switzerland 216.2
Spain 152.0 70.1
Belgium 145.8 37.4
Norway 126.8 104.1
Luxembourg 120.8
Sweden 49.1
Brazil 45.3
Other countries 46.9 12.0
TOTAL SALES REVENUES 9,809.5 8,877.2

Information on key customers

For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2018, revenues on sales to two clients, to each one of them individually, were roughly 10% of the Group’s revenues on sales. Revenues on sales to one of them were PLN 2,589.8 million and to the other PLN 979.9 million. Revenues on sales to those clients were included in the Coal segment and in the Coke segment.

For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2017, revenues on sales to two clients, to each one of them individually, exceeded 10% of the Group’s revenues on sales. Revenues on sales to one of them were PLN 2,536.4 million and to the other PLN 1001.4 million. Revenues on sales to those clients were recognized in the Coal segment, in the Coke segment and in the segment entitled Other segments.

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