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2.4. Principles of consolidation and recognition of investments in associates


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the Parent Company’s financial statements and the financial statements of its subsidiaries and associates. The financial statements of the consolidated entities are drawn up for the very same reporting period based on uniform accounting principles.

All intragroup transactions, settlements, revenues, costs and unrealized profits from transactions between Group companies are eliminated in full. Unrealized losses are ignored, unless they constitute a proof of impairment.

Subsidiaries are consolidated by the full method as of the date of acquisition, meaning when control is taken over them until the date of losing that control. Control exists when the Parent Company, because of its exposure to such an entity, is subject to exposure to varying returns, or if it holds rights to them and can also influence those returns by exercising control over the entity.

Associated companies are all the entities on which the Parent Company directly or through subsidiaries exerts significant influence but does not control them; this usually coincides with holding from 20% to 50% of the total number of votes in their decision-making bodies. Investments in associates are recognized using the equity method.

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